About Data1Intel

Data1Intel is a mission-driven, business intelligence gathering company. Our mission is to change how cyber security decisions are made and how cyber security solutions are deployed. We believe that if we do this, we will help protect the capitalist economies of the world, and even our way of life.

Starting first with the cyber security industry, we use a wide-array of both hi-tech and low-tech processes to collect ALL possible data related to ALL companies and ALL products within the targeted global industry. Then we leverage off that ever accumulating data and develop numerous products and relationships designed to generate revenues using that data. Our first flagship data product is VAaaS (vendor-assessment-as-a-service).

After we have mastered the challenge of cyber security, we will leverage off that security base and re-target our data collection machine at other fast growing technology sectors such as cloud services, drones, genomics, electronics manufacturing, and others. Once our systems and processes are established, our technology can be cheaply leveraged and cloned as we continuously grow Data1Intel.

Please read our various documents and join us to become part of the solution.




Correct Cyber Security Decisions Start Here